At the core of the activities promoted by Isola Edipo lies the Edipo Re Inclusion and Sustainability Award, an official collateral award of the Venice International Film Festival.
The motivation:The Award is established to support the distribution in Italian theaters of cinematic works of high artistic and cultural value, capable of promoting an inclusive and sustainable perspective from both a human and environmental standpoint.
The selection:
The award is granted to one film selected from among 12 titles, chosen by the artistic direction, originating from four different sections competing in the current edition of the Venice Film Festival: International Competition, Horizons, International Critics’ Week, and Venice Days.
The juries
The Award is conferred by a jury of three intellectuals and artists selected on each occasion by the artistic direction. Starting from the 2023 edition, thanks to the collaboration with Ca’ Foscari, the official jury will be accompanied by a youth jury composed of seven cinema students.
The architecture
: The Official Jury Award consists of a preview presentation of the winning film in four different Italian cities and support in communication during the film’s official distribution in Italy by MYMOVIES, the most popular cinema website in our country. Each screening is organized in close collaboration with significant cultural institutions to facilitate audience reception.
MILANO: in partnership with La Biennale and Agis
ROMA: in partnership with La Biennale and Anec
SIENA: in partnership with Università degli Studi di Siena
PALERMO: in partnership with Centro Sperimentale
NAPOLI: in partnership with Astra Doc
The film awarded by the Youth Jury will utilize screening spaces managed by several Italian universities, including Ca’ Foscari University itself.
“A film that tackles the theme of identity and its many facets through an original and deeply symbolic imagination and an innovative exploration of language. The surreal and at times grotesque tone adopted by director Luis Ortega illuminates themes such as mutation, transformation, and rebirth, embodied by a unique protagonist, the multifaceted jockey played by Nahuel Perez Biscayart. We hope that the same expressive freedom can continue to survive in the uncertain future of Argentine cinema.”
“An intriguing film that addresses the rarely represented theme of the historical exploitation of Haitian workers in the Dominican Republic, deprived of fundamental rights. Without overlooking the spiritual dimension inherent in Haitian culture, director Johanne Gómez Terrero’s vision reveals a remarkable visual, allegorical, and sensory power, with skillful direction of the actors.”
Davide Lorenzo Bignotti, Francesca Cerchiari, Chiara Guarino, Anita Incastori, Marta Pancino, Stefano Patrone, Emma Sist
“A film halfway between fiction and documentary, a crossroads of social, political, gender, and historical issues, providing an authentic and touching perspective on the reality of a people reflecting on their past to understand their present, with a truly universal force.
Sugar Island narrates the struggles of a people who, through working their land, seek a personal identity in order to continue their self-determination.”
Recognizing that we need this film more than it needs us, we have chosen to award ‘Io, Capitano’ by Matteo Garrone. Set within the contemporary sociopolitical framework, this film portrays – with a gaze free from white saviorism and the pornography of suffering – the unsustainability of human life for those migrating to Europe: millions of bodies each year that in Western narratives are emptied of their individuality and dignity. Garrone succeeds in making migration a story of people, not numbers, allowing us to directly engage with the language, life, and culture of the protagonists, without ever veering into the romanticization and fetishization of a society distant from us. The figure of the captain – from whom the title originates – reminds us of the true meaning this term should have, but which in recent years has been repeatedly betrayed by politics: the role of a captain is, in fact, to leave no one behind. As the Edipo Re Inclusion and Sustainability Award, born precisely on a boat that rescued Istrian refugees in the late 1940s, we find ourselves fully aligned with the political idea that this film carries. . In a historical period where NGOs saving lives in the Mediterranean are criminalized, this film reminds us of how every person deserves the right to asylum and, above all, the right to life, its beauty, and its potential forms.
Vittoria Caporali, Sofia Coppola, Beatrice Grasso, Isabel Musoni, Matilda Stefanini, Matteo Tonelli , Mattia Giusto Zanon
For the sensitivity with which the film addressed the relationship between humans and nature, eliciting strong empathy towards the characters. For the elegance in portraying the everyday life of a community, whose story becomes universal as it exemplifies the power dynamics present in our contemporary world.
The film demonstrates that reality cannot be reduced to a mere duality of good and evil, but instead aims to capture its complexity. Each of the depicted characters, beyond their individual traits, is a product of their own context, and the encounter becomes crucial for raising awareness and expanding perspectives. The young jury awards the Inclusion and Sustainability Edipo Re Award to “Evil Does Not Exist” by Ryosuke Hamaguchi.
For the completeness of the story and for the irony, for the ability to show the world from different levels and different points of view, thanks to the paradox that makes all problems more profound.
War, escape, but also the cynicism that art can have in telling the tragedies of others, and the freedom of human beings to choose their own destiny.
The man who sold his skin is a complex, entertaining and liberating film, which deserves to make its big way in cinemas around the world.
For its surprising expressive force and its ability to keep together tragic and comedy tones. With a character who embodies the original coexistence, inevitable in everyone’s life, of guilt and redemption, good and evil, faith and simulation, deception and truth.